Stranger than Fiction

Hi there, Feastlings.

This Saturday’s tasting features wines that are all strange in one way or another.  Mostly, they’re varietals you don’t see every day, though one is just a wine you’ve seen many times before with a nomenclature you’re not used to, and in a style you probably don’t see all that often either.  If you’re curious as to the whole thing, give us a buzz at 326-9363 and we’ll hold a spot at the tasting for you.  Web and email reservations won’t hold your place, but it’s worth the call, as the wines are great fun, you’ll get a discount, and you won’t taste them again the next day, unless of course you fall for them and take them all home.  And in that case, you’ll get a discount for coming to the tasting.  It’s only $10 plus tax and tip, and there’ll be snacks besides.  Let us know if you’d like to join us.

Stranger than Fiction

2012 Adelsheim Auxerrois, Ribbon Ridge (Willamette Valley)

2010 Klinec Sivi Pinot, Medana (Slovenia)

2012 Nuraghe Crabioni Cannonau di Sardegna, Sardegna, Italy

2011 Bovale “Old Vine” Bobal, Utiel-Requeña, Spain

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