“It’s Winter Somewhere…”

Hello, Feastlings.

While we do our best to remain seasonally appropriate, one can only drink so much crisp white and pink wine before needing to jog one’s memory of cooler times and heartier red wines.  This week, Kevin reminds us that while you wouldn’t know it from where we stand in the northern hemisphere, it is, in fact, winter somewhere.  And with winter comes a yearning for big, hearty red wines.  We’ll open four of them this Saturday at 2:00, and if you’d like to join us, bring ten dollars plus tax and tip, though not without calling and making a reservation.  The number is 326-9363 and please recall that web and email reservations won’t hold you a place, so a call is best.

It’s winter somewhere…

2010 Vina von Siebenthal Parcela #7, Aconcagua Valley, Chile

2011 Montessu Isola dei Nuraghi IGT, Italy

2006 Vina la Reserva de Caliboro “Erasmo,” Maule Valley, Chile

2011 Coquena Tannat, Cafayate Valley, Argentina

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