Francly, my dear…

Dear Feastlings,

Cabernet Sauvignon may always get top billing, but around here, we’re quite fond of Cabernet Franc, food-friendly as it is.  This Saturday, Kevin will pull the corks on four different Cabernet Francs from four different places, varying in style from Old World to New World to somewhere in between.  By now you probably know the drill, but just in case, here are the details:

-it’s $10 plus tax and tip;

-it begins at 2:00 pm;

-there’ll be a couple of little snacks alongside the wines;

-you’ll most likely learn something;

-reservations are required;

-the aforementioned reservations must be made in person or by phone, as web and email reservations will not hold you a spot.

Francly, my dear…

2011 Olga Raffault “Les Picasses” Chinon

2015 Field Recordings Cabernet Franc, Santa Barbara Valley

2013 Field Recordings “Tommy Town Vineyard” Cabernet Franc, Happy Canyon

2015 Lieu Dit Cabernet Franc, Santa Barbara County

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