Sweet lethargy

Dear Feastlings,
Some days I’m too tuckered out for a diatribe, so with any luck, I won’t get back any angry responses. This morning we dropped off food to another 290 hospital workers, and it went swimmingly, and we VERY much appreciate your donating meals, which helps not only front line hospital workers but the hardworking crew here at Feast as well. Nonetheless, the hospital runs alone won’t keep the lights on here, so today’s email is a reminder of all the things we offer that will help supplement those frontliner meals. First, there’s this Saturday’s wine tasting, an array of Pinot Noirs from up and down the coast.

Next, you can start ordering food before the cutoff for both Father’s Day and, for you fans of alliteration, our Spanish Summer Solstice Celebration

and then there’s the regular menu, which is studded with many of the dishes you’ve requested.

Now please- give us a call just to order yourself a little something; I’m too tired to respond to angry people today.

Your lethargic friend,


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