Dear Feastlings,
While we’ve been to TMC a couple of times now, we have yet to share the love with the hardworking people at their El Dorado Campus. I just got off the phone with my new buddy Kathy, who called to ask if we could offer meals to the 78 crew members over there. Answer: yes. Her next question: they have $6 per person budgeted for those meals. Can we do that? Answer: yes, BUT.
My feeling is that, while I understand the budget constraints they’re facing (they’re feeding their entire staff every day for an entire month- that doesn’t come cheaply,) we wanted to offer them meals on par with what we’ve been bringing to every front line worker, so we’re once again turning to you, our network of remarkable people with an unrivaled sense of community. If you know someone who works at El Dorado Hospital, or know someone who knows someone, we’d love to have your help in getting the word out. As we’ve done throughout the pandemic, we’re donating 50 meals for every 250 donated by the community at large. We’ll be over at El Dorado on Wednesday the 16th, and we’re grateful for whatever help anyone chooses to offer. Full disclosure: this is how we’re keeping our doors open. With our average daily income at about 25-30% of a normal season, it’s an effort to stay open. Every donation you make goes toward a meal for a front line worker, but we’re charging our regular prices to keep our own staff off the dole, and so far, it’s worked pretty well, and once again, full disclosure: We’re incredibly grateful for your contributions, which have been amazingly generous.
Anyhow, their budget will provide a tiny bit more than 24 of those 78 meals, so we’re hoping to scare up 44 more meals from the community and we’ll throw in another 10 to do our part. On the same day, we’ll be going to TMC’s Pain Clinic as well to feed another 38 employees there- same deal: the community donates 31 meals and we’ll donate the remaining 7. We’d welcome your help, or that of someone you know. You can write a check to Feast with “hospital donation” in the memo line, or call 326-9363 with a card number, or if you’re strapped, with which we certainly sympathize, we hope you’ll tell a friend or relative about us who might chip in for our little community here and the community at large as well. If you’re thinking hospital workers are all relaxed now that the pandemic’s been around a while, I’d beg to differ based on what I’ve been hearing from my healthcare friends, and here’s a little reminder pulled of the Pima County Health Department’s website: