Field trip. Again.

Dear Feastlings,
When you’re going full tilt six days a week, you need the occasional field trip. We had a great time at Dos Cabezas, slinging pizzas from 11 to nearly 6 pm without stopping. The oven was never empty once all day. So as a treat, we took a more relaxing field trip yesterday, to Midtown Farm.
If you’re like me, you didn’t know Midtown Farm existed only a few months ago, but I met Yue Max Li doing a Zoom panel discussion about how various food-related entities in Tucson have adapted during the pandemic, and was so impressed with what they were doing that I not only started buying their produce, but I’m hoping, once the virus is less of an issue, to do a benefit event with them, because the farm that some of the Feast crew visited yesterday is an amazing piece of neighborhood outreach, gumption, love of food, and love of community. It will likely be well after the winter months, but look for us to do an event at an elementary school-turned-farm that’s downright inspirational. Want to learn more about Flowers and Bullets, the people who’ve started the mammoth task of creating Midtown Farm? Watch this video and poke around their website.

Anyhow, the field trip was calming and inspirational, perfect on the heels of Sunday’s field trip, which was intense and inspirational.

Meanwhile, I’ve got a few deadlines for you, as well as some upcoming events. Deadline number one is tonight. Want some Chanukah food? You have until 8 pm tonight to get your order in. Here’s that menu:

Chanukah menu

Want some Christmas food? You have until next Tuesday if you want goose, or until all the goose we have coming in is spoken for, whichever comes first. The rest of the menu is more definite, so you have until the 20th to get that order in, but either way, as we learned at Thanksgiving, the pandemic makes life unpredictable, as well as shipping, availability and stress. Here’s the Christmas menu:

Christmas menu

There’s also a wine tasting this Saturday,

Step it up

a donation run to four housing developments for people with various difficulties in keeping themselves sheltered,

Our next series of donation runs

and now a donation run to El Dorado Hospital front line workers as well:

Another trip for front line hospital workers

Now, if this doesn’t all keep you busy, rest assured: it’s keeping us occupied without question. And from all of us at Feast, here’s a massive dose of gratitude for you citizens of our little corner of the world for keeping us open, keeping our spirits up, and keeping the more substantial community of Tucson cared for. You people are magical.


The whole lot of us at Feast

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