We’re not out of the woods, but we’re on the coast.

Good morning, Feastlings.
Here’s hoping everyone got what rest or celebration they wanted out of the day yesterday, and if you still have need of more of either (or both,) there’s no shortage of wine tastings this weekend, either today, where we’ll taste coastal wines and get a mouthful of maritime influence,

Coasting into the finish line

or tomorrow, where we’ll discover the importing wherewithal and philosophy of Neil Rosenthal, one of our favorite importers, led by Joanie Karapetian, one of our favorite wine experts.

Trust Your Importer with Joanie Karapetian of Rosenthal

Clearly, you have very little time left to call in your order of samples for today, but there’s still time, and wine, if you feel like joining us. You can call us at 326-9363 to pick up a set, or to grab a set of tastes that comes with food pairings for tomorrow’s tasting. You also have another day to order hors d’oeuvres for New Year’s Eve, with or without some pulling-out-the-stops wine pairings for a celebration of ridding ourselves of 2020. You can order until tomorrow night, or until we run out of the ingredients we’ve ourselves pre-ordered (fingers crossed that COVID-related supply line issues don’t kneecap us again.)

Hors d’oeuvres for New Year’s Eve

And if you’ve gotten through this whole email and are feeling convinced that I’ve forgotten the primary reason for having written today, here’s the Zoom info for today’s tasting. See you on the screen.

Your wine-tasting companion,


Doug Levy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Coasting into the finish line
Time: Dec 26, 2020 02:00 PM Arizona

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 2503 6681
Passcode: 683930

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