Your Saturday smattering

Good morning, Feastlings.
I suppose fifty or sixty of you are looking for this, the Zoom information for today’s wine tasting, so let’s get that checked off the list before anything:

Doug Levy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: While the cat’s away…
Time: Mar 6, 2021 02:00 PM Arizona

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 811 3888 6304
Passcode: 905320

If this is all news to you because you’ve never read one of these emails, you should know that a) there’s still time to order some samples and join us on Zoom today at 2:00 for the tasting, and b) this is what we’ll be tasting today:

While the cat’s away…

While I’ve got your attention, I’m sending links to those of you who are planners out there. Yes, there will be corned beef and cabbage in plentitude, but because the beef-corning process takes, in my humble opinion, a solid three weeks to properly execute, we’re forced each year to guess at how much to brine. We’ve got close to three hundred servings currently submerged, so we’re feeling bullish, but you know the old saw: he who hesitates is lost..

We’ll have it until we don’t.

You can apply that saw to the Passover menu as well, which I’ll post here,

Passover specials

and to the Easter menu, which has yet to be finished, in light of certain plumbing issues which have dominated my attention this week. But it’s coming soon, I promise.
In the meanwhile, we hope you’ll swing by at one point or another for bread to break with those in your bubble, and we look forward to the eventual popping of bubbles everywhere- it feels closer, doesn’t it?

Your friend,

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