Hi, Feastlings,
It seems things are a bit unstable all over the place. Last week, they were in the process of remodeling and expanding the HVAC systems at Sister Jose Women’s Center, and this week, Casa Alitas gets a little makeover in the hot food prep area from Pima County Facilities Management. So I know we told you we’d be bringing a hundred and fifty meals to them this Friday, but we’ve been pushed to next Tuesday, which is actually really good for us, as it gives us a couple of extra days to raise the money we need to cover food and labor costs.
What’s Casa Alitas? Take a look at the story of one of the 35,000-plus asylum seekers they’ve helped:
On Tuesday, August 24, we’ll be bringing 150 meals to the exhausted people whose only crime was living under threat, and we’ll be doing it with your help. Or, rather, we’ll be helping you: for every four meals the community donates, we’ll donate a fifth one, which means that Feast has donated over 1,600 meals, and you, Tucson, have donated over 6,500.
You’ve not only helped thousands of refugees, people experiencing homelessness, front line workers and first responders, you’ve helped us keep Feast afloat as well, so we can be here to serve you the quality food and drink you’ve come to expect. And for that, we thank you every bit as much as the homeless folk, the refugees, the medical professionals and first responders thank you.
You can make a donation over the phone by calling 326-92363 and giving a credit card number for a contribution in any amount, and you can drop off or mail a check made out to Feast, with “food donations” in the memo line. The address is 3719 E. Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85716.
Thank you.
The people of Feast