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Dear Feastlings,

All appears to be fairly subdued this weekend, and I think we may have done it to ourselves: having a wine dinner on the first perhaps means some of you have taken a hard pass on the tastings this weekend, and I suppose there’s only so much wine that one can consume in a week, though I’ve met many a guest and coworker who can handily dispose of all we’re offering, be it today,

Old friends


The Four Winds

or Thursday.

Storybook Mountain Vineyards dinner with Jerry Seps

Thursday is sold out, I’m afraid- has been for some time now, but both today’s and tomorrow’s tastings are still at this point more sparsely populated than usual.

Consider this encouragement to check the tastings out- today’s can be had here at Feast, or from the comfort of your own home if you’d rather just log in here:

Topic: Old friends
Time: Aug 27, 2022 02:00 PM Arizona

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Passcode: 401069

Tomorrow, on the other hand, Feast still being shut on Sundays and all, will be purely virtual, so you’ll want to come by and pick up tastes and food pairings, of which plenty remain, today. Call us at (520) 326-9363 and we’ll set some aside for you.

Thursday, I’m afraid, is waitlist-only, but this is Tucson, after all, where people think nothing of changing plans at the last possible moment, so if you’re feeling flexible, you may still be able to join us and Jerry Seps that evening.

We’re delighted to have Jerry with us, but next time, we’ll know not to schedule a wine dinner only a few days after two tastings. Good thing I like wine and food; I have a feeling I’ll be consuming an awful lot of leftovers come Monday.

See you soon, everyone.

Your wine loving compatriot,


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