The calm before the continued calm

Dear Feastlings,

I mentioned it last week, and I’ll say it again: I think we at Feast are all ready for things to slow down a little bit. A little bit, mind you- I’m all for the lot of us catching up on our sleep, and for keeping business at a level we can handle without our patience and dignity being abraded away. I’m assuming that the past two weeks have been busy ones in San Diego and Rocky Point, based on what it’s looked like here, and assuming as well that we’ll continue to remain subdued through Memorial Day weekend. And likely through the remainder of the summer.

For those of you who’ll be sticking around this week, however, we’ve planned a couple of activities for you, and since we’re the people of Feast, those activities will revolve almost entirely around food and drink. This Saturday, May 27th, our buddy Katherine will be here shooting the breeze with you and Cory about a bunch of Spanish wines while my friends in the kitchen and I treat you to snacks paired specifically with the wines. We still have space for a few more, so if you’re the sort who’d like to step it up a notch from our normal Saturday tastings, or the sort who would have come to the Last Sunday tasting had we offered one, this is the tasting for you- higher-end wines and paired amuses-bouches with stories and camaraderie in tow.

Spain, in preparation

It’s a preview of some of the wines you’ll be able to enjoy at a discount come June 20th, when we celebrate the Bonfires of San Juan with a menu of Spanish treats and affordable Spanish wine. We’ll post that menu in a couple of weeks.

If you do duck out of town this weekend but still want a food and wine experience, however, you can meet our other pal Bryan of Epicurean Wine Imports and taste your way through four Australian wines and paired dinner courses on Tuesday, when everyone returns from the extended weekend. Here’s a link to that event as well:

Meanwhile, on the other side of the equator…

And we’ll keep at it throughout the summer. We still can’t really take requests for the summer menus as we used to- between pricing, the uncertainty of ingredients arriving, and the cost of being stuck with ingredients we need to leave by the wayside while we change the menu on a weekly basis, it’s still not feasible to offer for yet another summer, but we’re happy to run a special here and there of a dish we know we can sell out of. I know, for example, that the first weekend of June, we’ll be making the lobster, corn and scallion bread pudding for those of you who miss that dish, and we’ll bring back a few of our greatest hits throughout the summer, along with events we construct to give you a reason to dine out a bit in the summer months.

In the meantime, however, it ought to be peaceful and quiet here, so much so that unless you show up on June 14th for Primavera Cooks-

or the 20th for the Bonfires of San Juan (more about that soon,) you should be able to waltz in here most evenings or afternoons without so much as a reservation. While a reservation never hurts, mind you, it does free us all up to live a slightly more impetuous lifestyle, and I’m all for that.

So keep your eyes peeled for menus for Primavera Cooks, for the Bonfires of San Juan, and of course for June’s new menu as well, plus any other special menu we can concoct that gives you all a reason to dine out that you didn’t already have in your back pocket.

Come say hello, we’d be happy to see you.


Doug and all your other friends at Feast

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