Caesar, the Pope, Mussolini, and Feast

Dear Feastlings,

We may have survived twenty-three-and-a-half summers by this point, but I can’t say it’s ever been all that enjoyable. This summer is no exception. Last week I sent an email and we went from about 20 reservations to maybe 60, so I’m hoping today’s email has a similar effect, as it’s been more peaceful around here than I’d care to experience.

On the plus side, it’s enabled us to make plans for this Saturday’s wine tasting,

There’s more to Alto Adige than Pinot Grigio

and to get a menu ready for Ferragosto two weeks from today,


and to start the ordering, prepping and paperwork scramble that precedes our monthly menu change. Next week you’ll get an email with the new dishes on the August menu, and information on the other upcoming tastings and plans, and likely a paragraph bemoaning the fate we all suffer by spending the summer in Tucson, be it physical, be it fiscal, meteorological or social.

For now, I’ll thank you for your attention, your support and your kindness in dining here of the 15th (mind you, I’d consider the squash blossoms and the branzino on the regular menu to be a doffing of the cap to Italy as well, so there’ll be a few options for you to choose from) and your willingness to read through yet another lengthier-than-necessary email from your old pal, Doug.


Your old pal, Doug

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