Valores españoles

Dear Feastlings,

With belts being tightened in an election season, last week we offered up some French wines that we considered exceptional values.  This week, we thought it only fair to give a nod to the values we see in Spanish wines.  Our pal Rob will be here with four wines from Spain- we generally regard Spanish wines as an excellent value for the price, so this week, we’ll be putting forth four superstars in this regard: four delicious wines, all well under $20 a bottle, and all delicious.

Like a great many of our other tastings, this one will only set you back $18 plus tax and tip, and like a great many of our other tastings, you’re likelier than not to discover something fresh and new and fun, and be able to purchase it at a discount.  Call us at (520) 326-9363 and we’ll keep a seat warm for you.  It all happens this Saturday, August 24th, at 2:00 pm.  See you then.


Spanish Values


You can see the tasting order and pricing here.


2023 Azul y Garanza Viura, Navarra DO (1 liter)

2022 Menade Verdejo, Vino de la Tierra Castlla y Leon DO

2021 Mustiguillo Vineyards “Mestizaje” Blanco (Merseguera, Malvasía, Viognier,) Vin de España

2021 Mustiguillo Vineyards “Mestizaje” Tinto (Bobal, Garnacha, Syrah,) Vino de Pago El Terrerazo DOP

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