Shorter. Sweeter.

Dear Feastlings,

It’s certainly quieted down after Sonoran Restaurant Week, and while we’re glad so many of you availed yourselves of it, we’re back to being easy to get into for another month or so, before our winter friends begin to drift back into town. It’s a good week to wander in unannounced, though always cleverer to make a reservation, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention this Saturday’s wine tasting, which ultimately remains mysterious until it ends. Why? Click here to find out:

The blind leading the blind

More soon- mark your calendars for wine dinners with Alex Durfee of importer Oliver McCrum on October 16, and with Phil and Kim Asmundsen of Deep Sky Vineyard on Sunday, November 17th. Plus a benefit dinner for the Rogue Theatre on Sunday, November 3.

All three menus are forthcoming, as will be the November menu, and the Thanksgiving carryout menu. All business today, but I promise more meandering, tedious emails in the future.

Your friend,


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