That rug

Dear Feastlings,

Oh, how a day disappears out from under one like a pulled rug. I’m still cobbling together this week’s wine tasting

Isla de Encanta

and next month’s menu, and making every attempt to bridge the gaps among the half dozen ingredients that have mysteriously turned up out of stock with our various purveyors. It’s all coming together, mind you, but with some difficulty. I’m writing this on Wednesday evening, a quiet one after the barrage of Sonoran Restaurant Week has subsided and the private event that jumped from 40 to 60 attendees as quickly as our purveyors ran out of couscous and halloumi cheese, crystallized ginger and sablefish. But I started this one on Tuesday and I won’t send it out now until Thursday, as that will give me time to post the details of the wine dinner with Alex Durfee of Oliver McCrum Wines and Spirits.

Trust your importer: wine dinner with Alex Durfee of Oliver McCrumb Wines and Spirits

Case in point. This wasn’t posted when I started writing this email.

I’m also readying myself for a stint at a civilized hour banging the drum for Arizona Public Media, and you know what that means: I’m bringing with me some gift certificates, and anyone who calls to donate, or even just to chat up that phone bank people, during my 9:00 am to 11:00 am time slot this Friday, September 27th, will be entered into a drawing to win one of them. I had the pleasure of handing one from the last fund drive to a kind person who’s been a guest of ours since we opened in 2001, and I’d be happy to hand one to you as well, so tune in/call in/ log in to show your support for Arizona Public Media this Friday morning and you may end up with a full belly in the bargain.

There’s more on the horizon as well- another benefit dinner for the Rogue Theatre, and another wine dinner with our neighbor winery, Deep Sky Vineyard, both of which will happen in November, and I’ve preordered more fresh organic turkeys than we’ve ever ordered before to prepare for Thanksgiving carryout for anyone who doesn’t want to spend days in the kitchen before the big day. All of those menus have yet to come, but they’re in the works and you’ll see them before you know it.

Thanks, as ever, for reading the missives, for dining and shopping, and for supporting us from near or far, with in-person visits or with good wishes from farther afield.


Doug and your numerous other friends at Feast

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