Dear Feastlings,
There are no wines to be listed here for this Saturday’s tasting. Why? Because the whole point of the tasting is to pull on your thinking cap and consider what’s in the glass and how you perceive it. It’s a great way not only to test your tasting skills, but as well, to start thinking about the qualities of various varietals and terroirs. This week Kevins pulls corks on four varietally correct wines, without telling you what they are. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to taste the wines and make your statement as to what you believe they are. Bonus points for figuring out where they hail from. The winner gets a couple of Riedel glassware stems to enhance their home wine tasting experiences. The tasting is still at 2:00 on Saturday the 8th, and still costs $10 plus tax and tip, and is still accompanied by a couple of snacks. You still need to make a reservation, and you still need to do it by phone, since web and email reservations won’t hold you a place. See you there.
Brown Bag Bingo!
No information about the wines- figuring them out is your job.