with Dr. Barry Pryor
Hello, Feastlings.
A couple of years ago, the stars aligned and brought four people together to form a mighty mushroom alliance. Dr. Barry Pryor, University of Arizona mycologist and co-author of “The Sections of Alternaria: Formalizing species-group concepts” (we know- this doesn’t just happen every day,) and Max Meza were introduced to one another. Short on space, Dr. Pryor needed a place to grow his oyster mushrooms. Enter Max, with a temperature-controlled trailer itching to be filled with a mushroom farm. But there were budgetary constraints. How does one run a mushroom farm without money? As it happens, Max has known me since I was a kid, and so it began: Barry pays his rent in mushrooms, which Max sells to Feast, and everyone wins. We nearly always keep the Phoenix mushrooms, an Italian variety of oyster mushroom, on the menu, not only because we know and love Max, or Barry, but also because these mushrooms are flippin’ delicious. All that was left was to start creating reasons for people to get out of the house a bit to discover how tasty these mushrooms are, and so another Barry appeared on the scene: Barry Infuso of Slow Food Southern Arizona has teamed up with Dr. Pryor to get the word out about mushrooms in general, to teach people about the possibility of cultivating mushrooms yourself at home, and Doug Levy (that’s me- I’m one of the four) to make some mushroomy-good hors d’oeuvres with optional wine pairings so you can make an afternoon of food, drink and education. The whole thing takes place at 3:00 pm on Sunday, May 19, here at Feast. It’s $25 plus tax and tip for the mushroom portion, which includes coffee, tea or a fountain beverage, or for another $25 you can taste some pretty special and delicious wines alongside your mushrooms- a three-ounce pour of each one. You’ll need to make a reservation just as you would for other events, and you’ll need to do it by phone, because all of our special events are separate from the Open Table reservation system we use for the restaurant. The number to call if you’re so inclined is 326-9363. We hope you can make it.
Feast and Slow Food Southern Arizona
present Dr. Barry Pryor’s
presentation and mini-tasting
3:00 pm, Sunday, May 19, 2019
Roast game hen breast with morel mushroom cream and garlic butter.
2016 Simonnet-Febvre Chablis Premier Cru “Vaillons”
Sformato of seared Italian oyster mushrooms
with coffee-cardamom butter
2014 Krutz Family Cellars “Magnolia” Pinot Noir, Sonoma Coast
Whey-braised shiitake mushrooms and sautéed Blue Oyster mushrooms with house-made ricotta cheese and smoked onion soubise.
2017 Bernard Baudry “Les Granges” Chinon
Grilled Portobello mushroom alla cacciatora with Asiago cheese.
2014 Valdicava Rosso di Montalcino
Mushroom tasting: $25
Optional wine pairing (four 3-ounce pours): $25
Tax and gratuity not included