Our next donation run is more than one run

Hello, Feastlings.

Next week’s donation run will be a series of them.  Normally, when we bring food to front line workers, we bring it vacuum-packed so that anyone- day shift, night shift, weekend, what-have-you- can eat their meal when it works for them.  Our next donation run, though, will be going to the Primavera Men’s Shelter, where dinner is normally served to 100 people each day, but due to the distancing required to keep everyone safe during the pandemic, it’s now served to a third as many.  So we’re bringing three different donations, spread out over time, and each one will serve a hundred people (or three days’ worth of food.) Because everyone is served at once, cryovac is more of a hindrance than a help, so food will be brought in large pans, heated on site and served at 5:30 for three nights running.  Three times.  So that’s nine days’ worth of food.  Because there are nine different meals, we won’t list them all here, and you won’t be choosing which one you want to send along, but the meals will be of the same quality we customarily serve to our front line workers.  Each meal will consist of a protein, a starch and a vegetable, and they’ll be priced slight lower than our other meals because there’s less labor involved in making the same thing for everyone, and in not having to vacuum-pack each individual dish.  So $17.00 will buy someone a complete dinner including dessert, and those who are down on their luck will at least finish the day with a solid, tasty meal in their belly.  And the staff at Feast will have another day of work guaranteed them.  If you’d like to donate a meal, or a portion thereof, you can call us at 326-9363 and we’ll take a credit card number, or you can send or drop by a check with the words, “meal donation” written in the memo line (the check can still be made out to Feast.)  Anyhow, once the first 250 meals are donated, Feast will donate the remaining 50 meals, and you’ll have sent someone to a clean bed with a full meal in their belly and your own heart will be full as well.  Then everyone gets some well-deserved rest.  Want to know more about the Primavera Foundation?  Take a look here.

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