By the Blood of Jupiter!

Dear Feastlings,

There’s a grape, the grape most widely planted in central Italy, from up in Romagna all the way down to Lazio, called Sangiovese.  A combination of the words “sangue” (blood,) and “giove” (Jupiter,) one can see by its etymology that it’s a varietal backed with no small amount of history and bluster.  It’s food-friendly, it’s fun, and there are a thousand iterations of it planted and vinted throughout that central swath of the Italian boot.  This Saturday, at 2:00 pm, we’ll taste four of those thousand versions of Sangiovese, and learn what makes them differ in culture, style and profile, and we’ll walk away from it with a fire in our collective belly and the blood of Jupiter on our lips.  The tasting is $15 plus tax and tip, and will be occasionally charming and occasionally riveting.  Call us at 326-9363 to have us hold a set of samples for you, and then log in for the fun on Saturday.

The tasting begins on zoom at 2:00 pm on Saturday, May 15.  The Zoom meeting number for the tasting is 812 8920 5307, and the passcode is 723080.


The pricing and the tasting order are posted here.


By the blood of Jupiter


Tanganelli 2019 “Rude” Rosso, Toscana IGT

Haurio 2017 Chianti Colli Senesi DOCG

Salcheto 2017 Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG

Fattoria Rodáno 2017 Chianti Classico DOCG

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