Dear Feastlings,
This Saturday, we’ll pull the corks from four different wines from Mexico, both central and Baja, and see what’s going on down there. They’ve been producing wine in Mexico for decades, but just as we in Arizona have been making wine for a while to the raised eyebrow of skeptics, so have they in Mexico been fighting to get out from under the challenge of doubters. This Saturday should erase your ambivalence, if you have any, once you meet Eric Harding of Compa Spirits and Wines and he tastes you through four intriguing bottles from south of the border.
If you’ve been out of touch with us, you may not yet have heard that our Saturday wine tastings are back to 100% in-person events now, and you can experience one in the private dining room this Saturday, October 1. The tasting begins at 2:00 pm, and for $15 plus tax and tip, you’ll get some delicious wine and a glimpse of some of the great wine values to be found in the Piedmont.
You can reserve your seat by calling us at (520) 326-9363.
Down Mexico Way
You can find the tasting order and the pricing here.
2021 Roganto Blanco de Blanco (Chardonnay/Sauvignon Blanc,) Valle de Guadalupe
2020 Château Camou Umbral Blanco (Chenin Blanc/Chardonnay,) Valle de Guadalupe
2020 Château Camou Umbral Tinto (Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot,) Valle de Guadalupe
2018 Guanamé Malbec, El Bajío