Bastille Day specials

Bonjour, Feastlings,

You may or may not recall from your history classes that the ones who came to our aid during the American Revolution were the French.  You may or may not recall that they gifted us the Statue of Liberty.  It seems only fitting, therefore, that we should honor the end of their autocracy by celebrating Bastille Day ourselves in some fashion, especially given that we ostensibly eschew it ourselves.  What better way, then, to celebrate both- France and the end of an autocracy- the way we generally do so here at Feast: with food and drink.

While we remain closed on Sundays as a general rule, we’ll be opening the doors on Sunday, July 14, to celebrate French food and culture with a bunch of special dishes, and with a waiver on the built-in corkage fee on all of the French offerings on our wine list.  Here’s what we’ll be serving, and you can make a reservation here.


until 3:00 pm:


Croque Monsieur~ Classic French ham and Gruyere sandwich broiled with béchamel sauce and cheese.  Served on brioche with mixed greens.  17

Croque Madame (add a fried farm egg) 18


toute la journee:


Tartare de filet de boeuf~ hand-minced raw beef tenderloin with capers, shallot and parsley.  Served with toast points, Dijon mustard and cornichons.  * ◊ 18


Pissaladière~ tart of caramelized onions, anchovies and olives.  10


Sole á la Meuniere~ Petrale sole, dusted in flour and sautéed.  Served with a lemon, wine and butter sauce, rice pilaf and haricots verts.  36


Cassoulet~ traditional southern French ragout of white beans, sausage and duck confit.  Garnished with breadcrumbs and served with haricots verts. ◊ 30


Bouillabaisse~ classic tomato-saffron soup with mussels, shrimp, scallops, half a Maine lobster and sea bass.  Garnished with toast points and rouille. ◊ 45


Steak and frites~ Grilled flatiron steak with pommes frites and sauce Béarnaise.  Served with haricots verts. ◊ 36


Profiteroles au chocolat~ choux pastry filled with vanilla bean ice cream and topped with molten chocolate ganache. 10

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