Saturday Wine Tastings

Each Saturday at 2:00 pm, we open four different wines and talk about them- where they come from, who makes them, and what makes them special. A couple of light hors d’oeuvres accompany the tasting and those who attend are eligible for discounts on the wines. Reservations are required, and web and email reservations will not guarantee you a seat, to please make your reservation by calling (520) 326-9363

Past Saturday Wine Tasting

The “Little Brothers”

This week, Kevin will be opening four "little brothers": wines which are either a winery's second label, or that come from the outskirts of an esteemed wine region, or whose style mimics that of a more substantial and prestigious wine, but which are every bit as much of a value.

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It may be the Greeks who brought winemaking with them to the Roman Empire, but doggone it if the Romans didn't raise the bar. This Saturday, Kevin is opening bottles from some of the winemaking regions with which you're abundantly familiar, but also from spots you may not already know well.

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California Chardonnay

Yeah.  We know.  There are seemingly two camps.  There are those who like nothing more than the rich, opulent style of California Chardonnay as we've come to perceive it.  And then there are those who cast a supercilious glance and are unwilling to acknowledge its worthiness.  As it turns out, however, there are more styles of California Chardonnay than meet the eye.

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Oregon Pinot Noir

While the people of California are assuredly prideful over the Pinot Noir grown there, I don't think anyone would dispute the quality and beauty of Oregon terroir, and the quality and beauty with which it in turn imbues Pinot Noir.

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Sauntering through Northern Italy

This week's wine tasting features two reds and two whites from the northerly end of the Italian boot, and they're each excellent food wines.  It turns out they're tasty to sip on their own as well, but we'll let you decide for yourselves how you'll best put them to use.

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Vinos tintos de Sudamerica

Gone are the days when the majority of wines from Chile and Argentina were strictly bargain bin plonk, and this tasting will offer you four reds- two from Argentina and two from Chile- who'll undoubtedly show you that firsthand.

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