Saturday Wine Tastings

Each Saturday at 2:00 pm, we open four different wines and talk about them- where they come from, who makes them, and what makes them special. A couple of light hors d’oeuvres accompany the tasting and those who attend are eligible for discounts on the wines. Reservations are required, and web and email reservations will not guarantee you a seat, to please make your reservation by calling (520) 326-9363

Past Saturday Wine Tasting

A Sparkling Season

While New Year's Eve is sparkling wine's moment to shine, it's a great gift to bring to whatever holiday parties you've been invited to, and a nice reception wine before everyone's been seated for Christmas or Hannukah dinner.

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Take a Cab home tonight.

Now that it's finally starting to feel like red wine weather, these big, rich Cabernets are just the thing to drink, and this spread ranges from a "Tuesday night bottle" to a "Friday night bottle" to a Special Occasion bottle.

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Oh, so Italian.

This week, Kevin's opening Italian wines from both North and South that are not only great accompaniments to your upcoming holiday meals, but delicious in and of themselves.

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Thanks a million.

Based on the number of calls we've already gotten about our Thanksgiving takeout menu, there are some planners among you, so it behooves you to consider what wines you might be pouring alongside your turkey and trimmings.

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The Glass Menagerie

This Saturday, Kevin's tasting is as much about the glass as it is about what goes into it.  Sure, there'll be four wines, and each will be prototypical, but ultimately, we're here to show you what a difference the glass makes.

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