Saturday Wine Tastings

Each Saturday at 2:00 pm, we open four different wines and talk about them- where they come from, who makes them, and what makes them special. A couple of light hors d’oeuvres accompany the tasting and those who attend are eligible for discounts on the wines. Reservations are required, and web and email reservations will not guarantee you a seat, to please make your reservation by calling (520) 326-9363

Past Saturday Wine Tasting

Saturday wine tasting: not until January 7th!

I was asking Kevin what the theme of next Saturday's wine tasting will be (there's no tasting on New Year's Eve, as we imagine many of you have bigger fish to fry that day, and we know we'll be getting ready for our own big night) and he told me it would be "Life is a Cabernet."

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Big Reds!

At the end of the proverbial day, we're Tucsonans.  So I get that it's 78 degrees outside, but since our experience of winter is limited, once the mercury dips below 80°, we're inclined to reach for bigger, redder wines.

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The Sparkling Season

I don't know why it's so difficult for us to convince our guests that sparkling wine, while it's great for a special occasion,  is also good for all seasons.  We at Feast love it year round.

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Odds and ends, but not “leftovers”

If you're at your saturation point with family and a little bit of tippling is in order to grease the wheels of diplomacy, it may not hurt to show up for our wine tasting this Saturday.  This week Kevin's got four bottles open that don't necessarily have anything in common stylistically, but there's one key common point: they're all on sale.

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Giving Thanks

This week, Kevin will be opening up four wines suitable for your Thanksgiving needs.  A couple of them are crowd pleasers, wines with a nice broad audience that are sure to appeal to the entire extended family, and/or all your Thanksgiving friends.

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Frank Family Vineyards with winemaker Todd Graff

Dear Feastlings, Once they’ve made it through crush, winemakers can take a little breather.  In November, there’s weeding and vine-trimming, but the winemaker can get out and head for warmer climes for a little handshaking and baby-kissing, and as luck would have it, Todd Graff, who’s been making wine for Frank Family Vineyards since day […]

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Hi, Feastlings. When you mention Spain and wine, people seem to default to Rioja, and Rioja, without a doubt, has earned no small amount of street cred in the wine world.  That said, what better educational experience than to taste a Rioja alongside wines that hail from some of the dozens of other appellations in […]

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Scary Good!

Hello, Feastlings. I’m not sure how many years in a row Kevin has worn the Jack-o-lantern-styled Halloween hat he got at the dollar store, but if I were pressed to make an educated guess, I’d figure he’s down to about 12 or 13¢ a wearing by now, if only because of the tenacity he’s demonstrated […]

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