Saturday Wine Tastings

Each Saturday at 2:00 pm, we open four different wines and talk about them- where they come from, who makes them, and what makes them special. A couple of light hors d’oeuvres accompany the tasting and those who attend are eligible for discounts on the wines. Reservations are required, and web and email reservations will not guarantee you a seat, to please make your reservation by calling (520) 326-9363

Past Saturday Wine Tasting

You, me and Melon

Hi ho, Feastlings. The warm weather is nearly upon us, and that, wine drinkers, means it’s time to think about stocking the fridge with crisp, clean white wines.  You can see in our list that we’re committed to it, if evidenced only by the fact that we have four- count ’em, four- iterations of Melon […]

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Passport to Portugal

Hello, Wine Tasters. Spain gets the lion’s share of attention when people talk about wine from the Iberian Peninsula, but let’s not forget that there’s more to Portugal than Tawny.  To help you remember, or perhaps taste for the first time, some of the other wines you can find that hail from Portugal, Kevin will […]

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The four faces of Pinot

Hello, Feastlings. Yes, when someone says “Pinot,” we’re inclined to assume that it’s Pinot Noir we’re all talking about.  But there’s also Pinot Blanc, and there’s Pinot Gris, and even (yes, this is a thing) Pinot Chardonnay.  Everyone’s pal Kevin will be opening up four different wines, each of which is a different varietal, but […]

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In the Shadow of the Pyrenees

Hello, Feastlings. This Saturday’s tasting is dedicated to wineries nestled in the foothills of the Pyrenees, that mountain range that makes a handy division between France and Spain.  There’ll be two wines from either side, all red, and each quite tasty in its own right.  If you’d like to join us, pick up the phone […]

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The Path Less Traveled

Hello, Feastlings. This week Kevin brings us wines that we don’t often see.  Sure you’ve tasted some of these varietals before- who hasn’t tried a Pinot Grigio (that’s what Sivi Pinot is, after all) or Sauvignon Blanc?  Nonetheless, we’re guessing the last Pinot Grigio you tasted didn’t hail from Vipavska Dolina, and your last glass […]

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Tickled Pink

Hello, Feastlings. Be it still or sparkling, nothing says Valentine’s Day like pink wine.  This Saturday, Kevin will open four Rosés, two still and two bubbly, and all of them tasty Valentine treats.  For that matter, all of them delicious any time of year.  If you’d like to join us, give a call at 326-9363 […]

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Inky Dinky Reds

Hi there, Feastlings. A blustery, chilly week is the ideal week to hunker down and switch back to red wines.  This week Kevin opens up four dark, inky things begging to be consumed during our one-week cold snap.  The tasting, as it often is, is only ten dollars plus tax and tip, and you can […]

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Brown Bag Bingo!

Dear Feastlings, Week after week, Kevin has been pouring wines of all stripes: reds, whites, Old World, New World, light, hearty, fruit-driven and bone dry wines have all graced your glasses.  Now it’s time to put your tasting skills to the test.  This week, he’s not telling you what he’s pouring.  You’ll all taste and […]

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The ABC’s of Chardonnay- Anywhere But California

Hello, Feastlings. This week, Kevin’s got a handful of Chardonnays open that you’re not so likely to have tasted.  Why are you not so likely to have tasted them?  Well, for starters, not one of them is from California.  Instead, you’ll taste four distinct styles of Chardonnay, none of which is the big, buttery, oaky […]

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“A sense of place.”

Hello, Feastlings. This Saturday, Kevin is here to discuss terroir and will have four wines out that display it.  Terroir, if you’re unfamiliar with the term, is the notion that a wine displays on the nose and the palate a sense of where the fruit is grown, and while there are a great number of […]

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