Saturday Wine Tastings

Each Saturday at 2:00 pm, we open four different wines and talk about them- where they come from, who makes them, and what makes them special. A couple of light hors d’oeuvres accompany the tasting and those who attend are eligible for discounts on the wines. Reservations are required, and web and email reservations will not guarantee you a seat, to please make your reservation by calling (520) 326-9363

Past Saturday Wine Tasting

Far from Napa

Hi, Feastlings, There’s a reason Napa has ensconced itself as one of the foremost wine-growing regions in the world: it produces excellent fruit.  It’s also monumentally expensive.  This week, Kevin reminds us that delicious wines come from elsewhere in California as well, and they don’t carry the Napa price tag.  If you’d like to join […]

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It’s Springtime there.

Dear Feastlings, As temperatures here have dropped precipitously (thank you, Universe,) Kevin reminds us that our friends in the Southern hemisphere are  just now watching for budbreak.  This Saturday, he pulls out four wines that were harvested in our Springtime, and you’re welcome and encouraged to come partake of them.  How to go about it? […]

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“Med, he said.”

Dear Wine Tasters, This Saturday, Kevin offers up four wines from the Mediterranean, which, as it happens, is home to many of the varietals that grow quite happily here in Southern Arizona.  Not that any of these wines are local- they’re the real deal from France and Sicily. If you feel like tasting them, give […]

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A case of mistaken identity

Good Day, Feastlings. This week Kevin helps tease apart two light-bodied red varietals that have been confused with one another quite often over the course of decades.  Whatever the history, though, the wines are delicious, light-bodied reds that are the harbingers of fall.  Hooray for red wine, and hooray, more importantly, for the weather that […]

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Fill in the Blanc.

Hello, Feastlings. It may be rainy, but it hasn’t exactly cooled itself off out there just yet.  With this in mind, this week Kevin pulls the corks on four interesting whites.  Some richer and rounder, some cleaner and crisper, but all delish.  The tasting is this Saturday, the 12th, at 2:00, and it’s only $10 […]

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Pinot Noir

What is it about the culture of Feastlings? We have a wine tasting each week, but invariably, the most popular tastings, even though they’re a bit pricier (case in point: this week’s tasting is$15 rather than $10,)are the Pinot Noir tastings.  This week promises to be no different, so if you’re thinking of joining us, […]

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“Oaky” Dokie… you asked for ’em.

Dearest Feastlings, This week’s wine tasting is jam-packed with Chardonnays, which are in turn jam-packed themselves- with oak and butter.  Just as political correctness has its backlash, so, too, does the backlash against butter and oak suffer its own resultant reprisal.  So while we have nothing against Rajat Parr (and in fact carry his wines,) […]

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Gems of the Rhône and a Jewel from Down Under

Dear Feastlings, We like our Syrah around here.  Truly, we’re fond of all the Rhône varietals.  So this week, we have a particularly delightful bargain for the Saturday tasting.  It’s a mite pricier than our usual $10 tasting, but it’s still a great value because the wines are disproportionately more expensive than usual.  These are […]

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Sauvignon Blanc

Hello, Feastlings.  This Saturday, Kevin pulls the corks on some fresh, crisp Sauvignon Blancs that are perfect for summertime drinking.  The tasting is Saturday, August 15 at 2:00 pm.  Please make your reservation by phone at 326-9363, as web and email reservations will not hold you a place.  $10 plus tax and gratuity. Summer and […]

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“It’s Winter Somewhere…”

Hello, Feastlings. While we do our best to remain seasonally appropriate, one can only drink so much crisp white and pink wine before needing to jog one’s memory of cooler times and heartier red wines.  This week, Kevin reminds us that while you wouldn’t know it from where we stand in the northern hemisphere, it […]

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