Sunday Wine Tastings

Our Sunday wine tastings only occur on the last Sunday of each month, at 3:30 pm. Unlike our Saturday tastings, there are six wines rather than four, the wines have a broader range of quality and price, and each wine is accompanied by an amuse-bouche that’s specially made to compliment the wine. Again, reservations are required, and web and email reservations will not guarantee you a seat, to please make your reservation by calling (520) 326-9363.

Past Sunday Wine Tasting

The Loire Valley

Hey there, Feastlings. Burgundy and Bordeaux may be the big name wine regions of France, and we have nothing against them whatsoever, but sometimes, you’ll discover, wines from a less notable region can be every bit as good as those of the heavy-hitting, well-recognized regions, and without the price tag that accompanies notoriety. The Loire […]

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Wines from Piedmont

Good day, Feastlings. As a part of our continuous effort to help you feel comfortable trying new wines, our Last Sunday Wine Tasting this month will feature some wines from Giuliana Imports, which, while they bring in the odd wine from Argentina and Slovenia, focuses primarily on the wines of Spain and Italy. As it […]

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Lawrence Dunham

Hello, Feastlings. While Arizona wine country is a lot closer than California, it’s still not always as accessible as we’d like.  A trip to the Chiricahuas and back will cost you most of a day, and with a wine tasting under your belt it won’t be the safest or the most enjoyable drive you’ve ever […]

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Wines of the Southwest: Spain. Six dry and sweet Sherries.

Hello, Feastlings. There are a handful of wines that I want the world to understand, and that most people regrettably do not.  Chenin Blanc is one.  Champagne is another.  And there are plenty more, but the wines I really wish everybody would give a fair shake are Sherries.  Sweet ones, yes, of course, but especially […]

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Down Under

Hello, Feastlings, While it’s easy for us all to make generalizations- California wines taste like this, Bordeaux taste like that- there are those wine regions who have a style all their own, and whose style we think we recognize immediately. Southern Australia is one such place, home to clean, bright fruity whites and huge fat […]

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Slo-Cro wines

Hello, Feastlings. Every time we have a tasting of Italian wines, people fairly line up to taste, and rarely do our guests leave disappointed. As it turns out, people don’t often think about wines from just across the Adriatic (or in the case of Alto-Adige, the same side of the Adriatic) as equally delicious. I […]

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Fancy (and not-so-fancy) French Wines

Good Day, Feastlings. Two wine tastings to go on about this weekend, so here they are in a nutshell: The first is Kevin’s weekly Saturday tasting, and the wines are the wines of our friends and neighbors. Three wines from down here in southern Arizona (Callaghan Graciano, Dos Cabezas “El Norte” and Sierra Bonita Cabernet […]

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Northern Italy with Allen Rodriguez

Well, Indeed, Feastlings.  Many’s the time we’ve tried to have a tasting of sparkly wines between Christmas and New Year’s Day, and many’s the time only a few of you have shown much interest.  But by Sunday, you’ll have had a huge dose of family and holiday obligation, and you’ll be looking to unwind.  Our […]

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Cult Wines

Hello, Winesippers. While cult wines tend to be those with a hold on the psyche of the wine-buying public, the definition can vary. For some it’s style- the huge Napa Cabernets that got the cult ball rolling, like Harlan Estate, Grace Family or Screaming Eagle. For some it’s the winemaker- Manfred Krankl of Sine Qua […]

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Trust Your Importer: Rare Wine Company

Hello, Wine Sippers, In our continuing efforts to remind people to turn the bottle around and see what’s on the other label, we’re continuing with our Trust Your Importer series for this month’s wine tasting.  Our guest this month will be Noel Patterson, who’ll be sharing the wines of the Rare Wine Company, importers of […]

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