
Feast offers a wine tasting every Saturday, another on the last Sunday of each month, and occasional wine dinners. Subscribe to our email list and you'll be the first to know about all of them.

Past Wine

Get savvy about Sauvignon Blanc

Hello, Feastlings. As those of you who’ve remained in Tucson are acutely aware, it’s HOT.  Unpleasantly so.  In an effort to make this overly warm season a bit more tolerable, then, we’ve opted this week to pour something clean, crisp, chilly and refreshing: Sauvignon Blanc.  There’s many an iteration of this wine, and each place […]

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By the Blood of Jupiter!

Dear Feastlings, There’s a grape, the grape most widely planted in central Italy, from up in Romagna all the way down to Lazio, called Sangiovese.  A combination of the words “sangue” (blood,) and “giove” (Jupiter,) one can see by its etymology that it’s a varietal backed with no small amount of history and bluster.  It’s […]

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