Oh so tempting… Tempranillo
Tempranillos from outside Rioja.
Feast offers a wine tasting every Saturday, another on the last Sunday of each month, and occasional wine dinners. Subscribe to our email list and you'll be the first to know about all of them.
Tempranillos from outside Rioja.
I once had a teacher who wore Rose-colored glasses, but we all figured it was to disguise his bloodshot eyes.
WE can't all afford to go visit a cafe in a faraway land, but we can drink their wine pretty affordably. Come check these out.
Break out your tiny speedo- we're going to the beaches of Italy.
Cut through that steamy, pre-monsoon air with some crisp, fresh white wines.
We'll come back to French wines- don't worry about that- but let's not forget Italy. Mmmmm. Italy.
It's still not quite Bastille Day- there's time for you to load up on French wine.
Put your Francey pants on and come taste French wine this Saturday, July 6, at 2 pm.
All American wines for the weekend before Independence Day. That's Feast, filling your wine rack with Patriotism.
It's Pinot Noir. You LOVE Pinot Noir. At least you probably do.