
Feast offers a wine tasting every Saturday, another on the last Sunday of each month, and occasional wine dinners. Subscribe to our email list and you'll be the first to know about all of them.

Past Wine

A Sparkling Season

While New Year's Eve is sparkling wine's moment to shine, it's a great gift to bring to whatever holiday parties you've been invited to, and a nice reception wine before everyone's been seated for Christmas or Hannukah dinner.

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Take a Cab home tonight.

Now that it's finally starting to feel like red wine weather, these big, rich Cabernets are just the thing to drink, and this spread ranges from a "Tuesday night bottle" to a "Friday night bottle" to a Special Occasion bottle.

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Trust Your Importer- Folio Wine Group

This month we'll be getting a visit from Lisa d'Adamo of Folio Wine Group.  Every now and again we try to remind our guests that the overwhelming world of wines from abroad is a lot more navigable when you learn that there are importers out there whose wines you trust.

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Oh, so Italian.

This week, Kevin's opening Italian wines from both North and South that are not only great accompaniments to your upcoming holiday meals, but delicious in and of themselves.

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