Feast offers a wine tasting every Saturday, another on the last Sunday of each month, and occasional wine dinners. Subscribe to our email list and you'll be the first to know about all of them.
Dear Feastlings, This week, Kevin opens up four wines suitable for the harvest season, and more importantly, discusses how these wines are made as much by viticulture as by the winemaking process. These wines are truly made in the vineyard, and you’ll discover how and why, and how it makes a difference in the glass. […]
Dear Feastlings, Every year, when I taste a new vintage of wines from our Arizona neighbors, I find myself a little prouder. With each advancing vintage, our growers and winemakers make a little progress in understanding the microclimates of Arizona, discovering which varietals hold up to the intricacies of Southern Arizona climate, and each year, […]
Dear Feastlings, Every appellation has characteristics that it imparts to wines, and those of us who taste a lot of wine eventually get the hang of identifying those characteristics, but a number of us are more likely to have a glass of wine with dinner, or if we’re with friends, maybe get a taste of […]
Dear Feastlings, While there may be a bitter rivalry between the North and the South in Italy (as with many other places,) we at Feast believe that everyone has something special to offer. So while we’ve done Sicilian and Southern tastings in the past, we also like to acknowledge what the North brings to the […]
Hello, Feastlings. While there is undeniably art and craft in making wine from a single varietal- some might argue more so even than in making a blend- I’d argue that blending, while it still allows for an expression of the fruit as well as the place it’s grown, also allows for more of an expression […]
Dear Feastlings, Cabernet Sauvignon may always get top billing, but around here, we’re quite fond of Cabernet Franc, food-friendly as it is. This Saturday, Kevin will pull the corks on four different Cabernet Francs from four different places, varying in style from Old World to New World to somewhere in between. By now you probably […]
Hello, Feastlings. This week’s wine tasting brings you grapes that are unlikely bottlemates. While the Rhône and Bordeaux make for pretty straightforward blends of the traditional grapes of their respective regions, this week Kevin’s got bottles open that will leave you scratching your head as to who thought to combine these varietals, and in turn, […]
Dearest Feastlings, The word “Sauvignon” shares the root for the word “sauvage,” French for “savage” or “wild,” most likely because the grapes were first discovered growing wild. We may want to pause for a moment to express our thankfulness that the grapes (Sauvignon Blanc as well as Cabernet Sauvignon) were eventually cultivated and vinted, so […]
Hello, Feastlings, I hate to be the person to say this, but the wine tasting, as I write this, is nearly full already. Zinfandel started singing its siren’s song this past week as guests attended our Saturday and Sunday tastings, and there have been a few bottles lined up in the shop to indicate what’s […]
Hello, Feastlings. There are people we like. There are wines we like. Once in a while, there’s an overlap- someone we enjoy brings in wines that we consistently admire for their level of quality and value. Dario Soldan is one of those people, a smart, knowledgeable character who brings us wines that we’ve not seen […]