
Feast offers a wine tasting every Saturday, another on the last Sunday of each month, and occasional wine dinners. Subscribe to our email list and you'll be the first to know about all of them.

Past Wine

Puh-puh-puh- Pinot!

Dear Feastlings, While we do love our Pinot Noir here, we’re also keen to remember that it’s a grape with brothers and sisters, cousins and aunts and uncles.  So this week, we’ll taste not only a Pinot Noir, but a Sivi Pinot, a Pinot Blanc and a Pinot Meunier as well.  It’ll be a delightful […]

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Stranger than Fiction

Hello, Feastlings. One of our points of pride here at Feast is that you’re bound to taste wines here that you’ve most likely not tasted yesterday, or, in fact, at all.  This week, Kevin opens four such wines: when’s the last time you tried a Seyval Blanc blended with Cayuga?  A Trousseau Gris or a […]

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Begin the Bourgogne

Good day, Enfants de la Patrie. This Saturday, Kevin uncorks three Burgundies (a Beaujolais, a Santenay and a Chalonnaise) plus a domestic Pinot Noir.  The tasting is a bit pricier than usual- $15 plus tax and tip as opposed to the usual $10- but the wines make this tasting worth every penny.  The tasting is […]

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Sizzling Summer Whites

Hello, Feastlings. This week Kevin pulls out a handful of crisp, bright whites that have summertime written all over them.  They mostly hail from Germany, though there’s one from Italy, right up against the Austrian border.  They’re all crisp, bright and bursting with minerally goodness, and they all go remarkably well with spicy food, another […]

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Red, White Rosé- celebrate the Fourth with a Fifth.

My Fellow Americans, This week, Kevin opens up four wines from America.  You know: beautiful, spacious skies, amber waves of grain.  It’s the weekend before Independence Day, so he’s selected four wines reflective of the American Experience.  North American, specifically, and if you want to get technical, wines of the United States of America.  The […]

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Wines of the Pacific Northwest

Hello, Feastlings. This Sunday, June 26th, our Last Sunday tasting has us tasting wines from the Pacific Northwest.  Mike Galkin leads us in a tasting that will whisk us away to a place where we can imagine drizzling rain and a thermometer that doesn’t stretch past 85 degrees.  If you’d like to join us, please […]

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Superbement Sud.

Hello, Feastlings. This week Kevin pulls corks on four Southern French wines- all great values for what they are, and all tasteable for only ten dollars this Saturday, June 18, at 2:00 pm.  Make your reservation by phone or in person, because, as most of you know by now, phone or email reservations won’t hold […]

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Tradition versus Trendsetting

Hello, Feastlings. Every now and again, we find we’re quite fond of a distinctly Old World wine.  And we discover that we’re equally enamored, if for a different reason, of a New World wine composed of essentially the same varietals.  This week, Kevin compares two of our favorite Old World wines with their New World […]

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Chard, my way.

Hello, Feastlings. I was just sitting with Kevin talking about this week’s wine tasting, and he was lamenting that people either damn Chardonnay with faint praise or outright ignore it these days.  Trends are what they are, and Chardonnay isn’t the wine of the moment at this moment, but as it turns out, they can […]

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