Feast offers a wine tasting every Saturday, another on the last Sunday of each month, and occasional wine dinners. Subscribe to our email list and you'll be the first to know about all of them.
Hi, wine tasters. Thursday is Wine Rep Day at Feast, which means a dozen or so people come to share wines with us in hopes that we’ll put them on our list. As a general rule, maybe a quarter or a third of the wines are potential candidates for the list, and we taste through […]
Hello, my Dionysian friends, As Arizona celebrates 100 years of statehood this month, we thought it might be a nice salute to our own pioneer spirit if we offered a tribute to some other pioneers as well. This month’s tasting features the pioneers of their respective wine-making regions, both New World and Old. The wines […]
The American Wine Society – Tucson Chapter is meeting at Feast for their February event, titled Comfort Foods with Comfort Wines. Chef Doug Levy is preparing a delicious four-course Iberian “comfort food” meal, with each course paired with a “comfort” wine. The event is scheduled for Saturday, February 18, 2012, at 5:00 PM. The cost […]
Hello, Feastlings. This month’s wine tasting offers Holiday wines, whether you’re in need of an easy little something to pour for a big group at the office or a special bottle for a more select group of you and yours, we’ll be sampling wines that might be a fun part of your holiday season. If […]
As part of the Tucson Culinary Festival, Kent Callaghan (Callaghan Vineyards), Todd Bostock (Dos Cabezas Wineworks) and Eric Glomski (Arizona Stronghold) will be here with their wines on Friday, October 28th. In their honor, we’ve put together a nine-course dinner, featuring three wines from each of them and a petite but fun dish with each […]
Dearest Feastlings, Wine dinners happen in Tucson on occasion, but seldom when it’s still a hundred degrees outside. This is predominantly because winemakers, marketing directors and wine folk in general pretty much get to decide when they’re headed where they’re headed. That is, if you can go sell wine to my brother in Colorado in […]
Feastlings, You can turn September 11th into a happy and productive day and contribute to your community, plus maybe learn a little something, all by coming to the extra wine tasting we’re having this month. It will take place on Sunday, September 11th at 3:30 pm. The cost is $45, with the proceeds benefiting the […]
Rebecca Work of Ampelos Cellars and Vineyard will join us with some of her wines for a dinner specially paired with them. We’ve been playing schedule hockey and phone tag with Rebecca for quite some time now, and the stars have finally aligned over Tuesday, May 3rd. The wines are beautiful, the menu is below, and […]
Sunday, April 24th, we’ll host our customary Last Sunday wine tasting. The six wines this month are all from a gentle giant of a fellow named Pascual Toso. He’s reserved fellow, quiet and distinguished, and most importantly, he’s a fellow who offers really high-quality wines for a remarkably fair price. In fact, I think I’ll […]
Once in a while, we’re honored with a winemaker who takes the time to bring a handful of beautiful wines and we get to pair a meal with them. This month, it’s our hero Greg Brewer, winemaker for Brewer-Clifton as well as Melville in the Santa Rita Hills. The menu is below, and you can […]