It’s not over ’til it’s over. Or ’til next week.

Ahoy, Feastlings.
Just dashing off a quick little note here to tell you that today finds us at the penultimate week of your summer requests. If we haven’t yet gotten to your dish, don’t be disheartened; just write me again and we’ll try to offer your dish as a one-time special on a night you can join us, even if we couldn’t fit it into the festivities this summer. This week’s menu’s got some goods, to be sure: remember those potato crisps stuffed with avocado? Or the grilled fennel salad? Maybe the dish you liked was the linguine with softshell crabs, or the lamb stew with butternut jam. Or that chocolate chip bread pudding with the hot chocolate and the Manchego cheese. The details are all here, if you’d like to investigate them.

We also have not one, but two wine tastings this weekend: Rich, robust reds with Kevin on Saturday at 2:00

And we’ll be whipping up food pairings for the Last Sunday of the Month tasting with Luke Anable, themed “forgotten grapes.”

We hope you’ll make it by this week; we’d love to see you.

Your friends at Feast

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