Our friends to the north, and our hospital friends. And your friends, too.

Dear Feastlings,
I’ll start today’s email off with a quick reminder to those of you who live to the north and northwest. So far, we’re only at about 25% of the orders we had on our initial foray to your neighborhood, and we want to keep bringing food out to you, but we can’t tell if there’s an overall slowdown in food orders, if people had a bad experience and don’t want to try again, or if you just need another reminder. But we do need to reach critical mass in order to sustain the deliveries out your way, so if you know someone who’d want to take advantage and grab some Feast food without paying an exorbitant delivery fee or driving 45 minutes to pick it up themselves, today would be the day to call. The number is 326-9363. Here’s a link you could send your friends and neighbors.

Meanwhile, I just got off the phone with the administrator who handles the ward at TMC tasked with COVID-19 cases, and I have yet to hear back from the person who handles the Emergency Department there. I also just heard back from KDRI, who created a GoFundMe campaign that will give donated money to restaurants to help feed hospital personnel during the shutdown- we’ll be using that money as a matching grant against what donations any of you cares to make. So here’s our plan: this Friday, we’re delivering meals to those two departments, not only to the staff who’s working that shift, but to those who work the ensuing shifts as well. We’re donating some of the food ourselves, and a regular guest and longtime friend of Feast has offered up a $500 matching grant to go along with KDRI’s donation, but if you’re not one of the people who’s already on unemployment or panicking about being there soon, a really lovely way to help both restaurant people and hospital people at the same time would be to call us up and donate a meal (or two, or ten, or whatever you’re comfortable with) and we’ll bring an assortment of our vacuum-sealed meals to TMC this Friday. The busy people there can then enjoy them when they have a free minute between patients, or even take one home to have when bells aren’t ringing, emergencies aren’t interrupting them, and maybe they can get off their feet for more than a minute. Here’s a link to KDRI’s GoFundMe page.

If you want to participate here, just call up and tell us which of five different vacuum-packed meals you want to donate and we’ll drop it off to a hungry staffer. The number is 326-9363 and anyone can take your order. You can send along dessert if you want as well, and it’s affordable: chocolate truffle cookies are only 80 cents. Or if you want to support the restaurant and hospital communities in a more general way, you can add a little something to their GoFundMe.

Other things to consider are treats for yourself or people you hold dear: we’re doing our Saturday wine tasting via Zoom again this Saturday at 2 pm, and that makes an affordable but thoughtful gift.

We also have the wines handy for you or your friends if you (or they) have been participating in Callaghan and Dos Cabezas’s #digitalwineresearch, which takes place each Friday at 6:00 pm.

And we’ll have another delivery run to points south and southeast this Sunday, for which we’ll be taking orders until Saturday. The menu is posted at its usual place, but you’ll find what specials we’re going to have available for Sunday delivery on the menu page this Friday or Saturday. The list of delivery hubs is here.

There’ll be more to come- delivery runs to the east/northeast and to the west side- plus whatever else we can think of to maintain your interest and our job security. If you have any ideas about that, do feel free to let us know. At this point, we’re happy to consider nearly anything that we haven’t thought of yet.

Meanwhile, thanks again for all your kind support.


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