Bake your troubles away

Dear Feastlings,
Nothing all that new to report today, but I’m syaing a quick hello between back-to-back meetings today to remind you of this week’s wine tasting

Lighten up.

and to remind you as well that we’re doing what everyone was doing when the pandemic began: baking. There are levains aplenty (that’s a sourdough loaf made with our own five-year-old Feast kitchen starter,) some straightforwardly sourdough and some with a little bit of San Simon (a lightly smoked Spanish cow’s milk cheese) and chives from our garden (just about the only thing to make it through this brutal summer.) there are baguettes as well, and carrot cake spiked with sage, chocolate-dipped biscotti flavored with orange, hazelnut and rosemary (yes, that’s all in one cookie,) and for our gluten-free friends, a few slices left of that orange cake we make with almond meal instead of wheat flour. And those dried cherry brownies. If the wine tasting isn’t a suitable way for you to deal with Pandemic living, baked goods may very well be your alternative, and we won’t let you down. You can see all that stuff, plus the regular menu, here.


And last but not remotely least, we’re starting to collect donations for our next hospital run a week from tomorrow, to Palo Verde Behavorial Health. I know there’s no shortage of mental health professionals who dine here, and while I know you’re all probably a bit slower and therapy by zoom is less than satisfactory, it’s a good moment to show your colleagues on the front lines some love. Here’s the scoop on that upcoming donation run:

Keeping the meals coming for important, exhausted members of our community

As for me, I’m going to eat some of that bread if there’s any left over, and possibly six or seven brownies.



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