In a nutshell

Dear Feastlings,
I’m in the mood for nutshells. Walnuts and pecans sound good to me as the weather cools off, and we have this digestif that’s made from macerated black walnut shells that makes a tear well up every time I even smell it, let alone taste it. But the nutshell thing is because I’m between appointments with wine reps today, and I want to get this out. So rather than my customary meandering diatribe, there’s a minimal introduction and now, a few links:

Today’s menu:

Tomorrow’s wine tasting:

How they blend in

Sunday’s tasting- Please note you need to call in advance for this one so we know how much food to prep!

Trust Your Importer tasting with Josefa Concannon of Louis/Dressner Selections

And next week’s donation run:

Our next donation run: the people keeping our elections on the up and up

And for those who’ve started asking, we’ll have our traditional Thanksgiving carryout on Wednesday the 25th, and I’ll have the menu posted in the next day or two. Okay, more reps here now. Must run. Have a fabulous day.

Your buddy,

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