Busy bees

Dear Feastlings,
There’s invariably a lull that comes after the holidays- people have eaten and drunk more than they intended, they’ve gotten their credit card bills, and they’re ready for a break. Usually, so are we. We simple restaurant folk celebrate after everyone else has, as a general rule, and as a general rule, we’re okay with that. We’re used to the idea of Boxing Day, and in the first few weeks of January, when everyone rubs their collective belly and decides to back off for a bit, we generally regard it as a time to recharge and tally up the results of a busy holiday season.
Obviously, this year is different. There weren’t holiday parties to cater, office parties to host, countdowns and cookies and Champagne and gift wrap to clean up in the private dining room. So we’re back at it already, and hoping that since our guests didn’t get the shindigs and hootenannies that they normally get in December, maybe they’d still like to carry on with miniature bursts of opulence to remind them that while we wait for a vaccine to be poked into our arms, that there are little things that still make life worth living.
With that in mind, we have a few things slated for the near future- delivery runs to our various delivery hubs begin again this month- this Friday, in fact- and we’ll be making more cryovac dishes to stow in your fridge, your freezer or your bunker. Orders will need to be in by the day before, so if you’re East, Northeast or West, you’ll need to place your order by Thursday to get your Friday delivery,

Eastward, Ho! (and also, the more traditional Westward, Ho!)

in the Northwest, by Friday for your Saturday delivery,

North by northwest

and in the South and Southeast, by Saturday to get your Sunday delivery.

Down south

There’ll still be a Saturday wine tasting, though I haven’t had the opportunity to get it posted yet, since we’re still waiting for some of the wines to come in, but the theme is, “it’s summer somewhere,” and there’ll be four wines from south of the equator to taste, all for the customary $12.50 plus tax and tip.
And next week, we’ll move on to our next meal donations, this time to some of our less recognized front line hospital worker friends:

Recognition where it’s due.

In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for news of the wine tasting, for menu specials for this coming weekend’s hub deliveries, and for some tasty baked goods to lighten the cumulative weight of pandemic living. Here’s what the menu looks like today, and changes will be posted as we near our delivery runs:

We’ll see you soon, we hope.


Your friends at Feast

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