Ummm… huh?

Dear Feastlings,
I can’t tell if that was a hacking of some kind or a glitch on DreamHost’s end, but I’ve gotten a number of emails from you replying to an email I never sent. I guess all I have to tell you while they eventually address my trouble ticket is that I’d guess you shouldn’t click on anything in that last email. Sigh.
Whatever the problem is, it’s gotten me off my duff, though, so here’s an email, and in the interest of sending it out before I get another hundred replies to that last email, I’ll keep it short.
First, there’s a wine tasting tomorrow. It looks like this:

Vive la France

Next, you’ll notice it’s all French wine, which I’ll note here is in preparation for Bastille Day, for which we’ll have a special menu:

“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche.”- Bastille Day specials

There’ll be a celebration a week from tomorrow of Mobile Meals’ 50th anniversary, and a special menu for that as well,

Here, there and everywhere: Mobile Meals 50th anniversary dinner

and there’s always, of course, the regular menu to enjoy, with some new July dishes on it:

And that, my friends, is that. Sorry about the mystery email.



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