The near and further-away future

Dear Feastlings,
I try to get our Saturday emails out as quickly as I can, usually writing from home to remain uninterrupted, but I’m also usually running late to get to work, so after my usual ambling digressions, I imagine it’s a welcome pithy moment in your week. We’ll begin with today’s wine tasting login, which is thus:

Doug Levy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Classically trained
Time: Oct 9, 2021 02:00 PM Arizona

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 899 2673 2946
Passcode: 631379

and throw in a link to the tasting description:

Classically trained

I’ll follow that with some information about the donation run that’s pre-empting three separate upcoming Saturday runs to Youth on Their Own, one this coming Friday to Casa Alitas, who’s been figurately whacked with a bureaucratic baseball bat, as described here:

Casa Alitas is being put through the wringer

There’ll be more soon about our donation runs to Youth on Their Own and other events, both charitable and for-profit, in the days to come, but I’m already exceeding my allotment of space if I want to keep it as short and sweet as I intended. Some taste a little wine with us!

Your friend,

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