The jury’s still out.

Dear Feastlings,

Thanks, those of you who let me know whether you’d attend (or not) an in-person (or virtual) Last Sunday wine tasting yesterday, and here’s another call for entries. It’s looking at this point like attendance would be limited, but in an effort to let all voices be heard, before making a decision on a Day-After-Christmas Last Sunday Tasting, I’ll wait for another handful of replies to come in. So far, it’s looking as if it may need to be shelved, but we skip this month’s Last Sunday event, we’ll find a way to work an extra tasting into the mix somewhere down the line.

As for today’s tasting,

Red wines worthy of celebrating

you can still pick up samples, and whether you join us online or in person, the wines are solid. Here’s how to log in if you prefer to join us from without:

Doug Levy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Celebratory reds
Time: Dec 18, 2021 02:00 PM Arizona

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 8372 1031
Passcode: 556049

I’ll come back and read your emails after our last donation run of the year to Youth on Their Own at noontime,

Month to month

and once we’ve gotten through Christmas

Christmas carryout menu- order deadline December 19

(last day to order Christmas carryout is tomorrow) and New Year’s Eve- whose menu is coming any day now, I promise- we’ll hit the ground running again in January, ready to bring those food donations all over town again. Meanwhile, here’s hoping that whatever you’re celebrating, it puts a smile on your face, and that you stay happy and healthy throughout.

Your pal,


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