Deep breath. Long sip.

Dear Feastlings,

After our now-customary shuffling of schedules, we’re feeling bullish about being open tonight. It’s a treat anymore to feel like we can open the doors, and while I’ve learned my lesson about saying everything is good and the worst is behind us, tonight is, for the moment, covered. So the good news that I’m willing to go out on a limb and announce is: if you have a reservation tonight, it’s not canceled. It also looks as though this weekend’s wine tastings are still going to happen, so if you’re interested in participating in either one, you’re welcome to join us, either in person or remotely for the Saturday tasting,

Old friends, new vintages

or strictly remotely for the Sunday tasting (sorry, we don’t have enough people to offer a tasting with an accompanying food pairing both in person and remotely, and there’s still a significant enough majority who prefer remote, so remote it shall be.)


Then, next week, it’ll be New Menu Day all over again, and if the universe conspires to keep us all up to the challenge, we’ll be here to serve you and whatever Gem Show attendees trickle into town come Tuesday. That is so say, a reservation never hurt anyone.

We’re off now to get started on those new dishes- the ones you’ll hear about next Tuesday- and to cover this evening’s bases as well. Stay happy and healthy as best you can, and we’ll see you soon.


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