The other, much smaller gem show.

Dear Feastlings,

For as long as I’ve been in the restaurant business, some 40 years now, the Gem Show has been the make-or-break convention that’s driven the entire busy season in Tucson. Obviously, 2021’s show was a bust, and this year’s didn’t even come close to selling out every hotel room in Tucson, but it still didn’t hurt to fill those few extra seats.

I know any number of you are fans of the show; you make jewelry, or you find something fun in the African Village or the Fossil Alley, or whatever they’re all called- I’m not saying it dismissively; I’ve just never been a geode or crystal or gem or fossil guy. I’ve preferred to put my focus on food and beverage, but I don’t blame someone else for being enthralled by beads and pearls and turquoise and anthracite. We’ve all got our own thing, but my only gem show purchase in my lifetime has been a slab of Himalayan pink salt that I like to heat up and cook things on it. It’s great, but I won’t need to go back until my salt slab gives out.

No, my gems are obscure vegetables and tasty wines, so when Katherine suggested Italian Gems as a theme for today’s tasting, it lifted my spirits. Italy and wine all in a breath. Today’s tastings, then, will be our own little show of gems from up and down that lovable, boot-shaped peninsula, and you’re still welcome to join us, in person or by zoom. All you need to do is pick up your samples (they can be reserved by calling us at (520) 326-9363 and then you just need to bring fifteen bucks plus tax and tip) and have a seat here or tune in at home. The tasting looks like this:

Delle gemme italiane

and the login looks like this:

Topic: Italian gems
Time: Apr 2, 2022 02:00 PM Arizona

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 7332 1803
Passcode: 507075

We hope you’ll join us, and maybe grab a bite whilst you’re here. Salve, ragazzi. Ci vediamo fra poco.

Il vostro buon amico,


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