Flocking together

Oh, my dear Feastlings,

The season is beginning to wane. More and more of you are heading back while there’s still a chill in the morning air to a place where you may encounter a chill even in June or July. We’ll miss you in Michigan, and in Illinois. We’ll miss you in New England and in Ontario. Wherever you go to pass the summer months, please know that we’re likely to miss you.

We’ll miss you in part because we’ll be bored. Not likely as bored as we’ve been over the past few summers, if this season has been any indication- this season has made it known to us that while we’re still not able to open up to the same hours we were open five years ago, there are more people living here than before, many of whom will stick out the summer months here with us.

More importantly, we’ll miss you because you GET us. Feast has never been big enough to need to please everyone, and we’re lucky to please enough people that we’ve kept the doors open for nearly 23 years. But the real stroke of luck is that we just plain like you. It turns out that the people who like our quirky menu are, to us, quite likeable folk. Birds of a feather, and all that.

As Tucson, grows, more and more people check us out, and the more that do, the more we find, and they find, that we’re simply not for everyone. I’m okay with that. I’m significantly, enduringly okay with that, though I do grow weary of the periodic wave of reviews on various platforms that bemoan the weird menu while awarding an abundance of stars and laudatory remarks to places who pile their plates higher than we do, or keep things more meat-and-potatoey than we do. So while we fill the seats we need to, and continue to toddle onward, we’d rather fill those seats with you.

If you’re leaving for the summer months, have a cool and refreshing summer, rife with greenery and happiness, and if you’re here for the summer, come visit us from time to time and hang around with us in air-conditioned comfort. And eat something you didn’t eat the night before.

The menu and wine list will continue to change, and we’ll continue to have wine tastings and special events,

Argentina, from W to Z

you can enjoy a little something with like-minded food and drink lovers, and it’ll be easier to walk in without a reservation.

See you soon.


The people of Feast

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