For the lot of us.

Dear Feastlings,

At least a couple of times a week, someone will ask me what motivates and inspires me as I change the menu each month, and at least a couple of times a week, I give them the same answer: the biggest motivating force in my creative output is the stress/fear/deadline trifecta. I can spend days or weeks poring over cookbooks and restaurant menus and my piles of ideas and notes from days gone by, and nothing will inspire me until I’m down to the last two days before the menu needs to be complete. I only just finished the October menu

last Thursday, and the email I got from our friends at Deep Sky Vineyard telling me that they needed to send out the menu for our dinner with them today got me to post it last night. The dinner takes place on Sunday, November 17th.

Deep Sky Vineyard Dinner with Kim and Phil Asmundson

They asked us to do a dinner with them for their wine club members and graciously allowed us to open it up to our Feast regulars as well.

I only just now got this week’s wine tasting posted,

Dealer’s Choice

and it’ll be another day or two until I have the dinner we’re doing to benefit the Rogue Theatre, since that’s how long they’ve given me to get it to them. Sigh.

That said, the dinner will be served in conjunction with their production of If on a winter’s night a traveler, which only fleetingly mentions food, so it will be more a a tribute to author Italo Calvino, who lived in various and sundry parts of Italy, and therefore the menu will be chockablock with Italian treats. Keep your eye peeled for that email.

I should note, though, that I did manage to get this month’s dinner with Alex Durfee of importer Oliver McCrum posted well in advance, by my standards, anyway.

Trust your importer: wine dinner with Alex Durfee of Oliver McCrum Wines and Spirits

Be aware, then, that there’s more in store, and that I’m doing my best to get it posted and out to you as soon as I’m able, and that I’m wishing a Happy New Year to those of you who’ll be celebrating Rosh Hashana in the next couple of hours, and sending wishes to everyone, regardless of their calendar, for a better, happier year than you’ve been having lately, even if you’ve been having pretty good years lately. May it all just keep getting better for the lot of us.



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