Holiday breathing into a paper bag

Hello, Feastlings,

It’s been a bit of a month around here.  We’re grateful to be busier than before, though the daily clobbering of the staff by various microbes has meant that we need the additional business to cover the onslaught of sick time for those felled and overtime for those not currently felled.  That said, it’s all still chugging along and we thank you for your contribution to it.  Christmas carryout is happening, and we’ve prepared enough, but I should note that since it’s rather less mayhem than Thanksgiving was, we’ll not have overprepped like we did for Thanksgiving, and you’re less likely to be able to scare up anything from the Christmas menu at the last minute, since the ordering deadline was last Thursday.

The bottle shop is fairly well-stocked, though, and there’s still room at this Saturday’s wine tasting.

You may also find room for you to join us on New Year’s Eve if you’re so inclined.

In the meantime, we thank you for your patience- evidently, a great many of you will be joining us today, a great many more will be picking up food for tomorrow, and it will all likely be interrupted by others who planned ahead less than you did, and we’ll hope that the holiday spirit keeps people from whatever curtness and/or rage results from it. Holiday season is invariably exciting, and I hope that for you, and for us, it’s the good kind of excitement. Fingers crossed.

Thank you all, and Happy Whatever You Celebrate.


Everyone here at Feast

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