There’s more where that came from.

Dear Feastlings,

At last, we can crack the safety hatches to our respective bunkers.  The Gem and Mineral Show has pulled up stakes and moved on to the next town, and Valentine’s Day and the surrounding weekend have come and gone, so those of you whose fondness for remaining far from the madding crowds can feel safe once again.  Yes, the weather’s beautiful and the people who come to spend a few balmy weeks here while their homes rest deep in snowdrifts are still around, but the thrum of traffic is manageable, and when people call for a reservation, we can offer them something besides 4:00 pm.  So once you’ve put the Gem Show and Valentine’s Day behind you, you’re safe to poke your head out and see that the world is still out here for you.

“Ugh,” you say, “I’ve missed the special pairing menu you did for Valentine’s Day, and the opulent specials that you offer when the world arrives at our doorstep each February.”  And in return, I say to you, “Don’t fret.  There’s more where that came from.”

This Saturday being the last Saturday of the month, our wine tasting will be stepped up with food pairings, generous pours and fancy wines, and we still have a few spots left if you’d care to join us:

Or, if you really want to roll up your sleeves and do some serious wining and dining, we’ll be serving a dinner with Aperture’s Aaron Robertson and four wines from the producer on Wednesday, March 12th.

We’re also stocking up on crawfish for Mardi Gras- it falls on March 4th, so we’ll be attempting New Menu Day and Fat Tuesday at the same time in two short weeks- and we’re already corning beef and planning to work an extra day for you to enjoy our house-corned beef and cabbage on the appropriate day, Monday, March 17th.

So mark your calendars; there’s plenty of activity up and coming, and as I mentioned earlier, it’s safe to come out now.  I promise.

Your pal,


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