Dear Feastlings,
First, an apology to those of you who stopped by to pick up corned beef and cabbage yesterday after the initial onslaught of thirty orders or so that threatened to clean us out prematurely. I promise not to wait until next Saint Patrick’s Day to corn more beef for you, but last night, we felt it was most fair to save what we had left for those who’d made a reservation, and since it takes a cool six to seven weeks to brine the beef, there wasn’t a way to prep more at the last minute. As such, we opted to put the kibosh on carryout orders until we were certain that everyone who’d reserved a table had gotten a crack at it.
We’ll do it again, though, before next March. In the meantime, here are a few little notices: there’s a wine tasting, as usual, this Saturday at 2:00 pm, and our erstwhile wine buddy Jennifer is back in action with four curious wines we’re sure you’ll enjoy.
We’ve also got plans to open up on Easter Sunday, which falls on April 20th this year, so there’ll be a menu of special dishes alongside our regular menu.
What’s more, we’ll be doing our best to help out a few non-profits- we’ll be at Cookies and Cocktails to help out the Girl Scouts next Wednesday evening,
and at the Rotary Club’s Taste of Chocolate to support educators on Sunday, April 13th
and I’ll be giving out a couple of gift certificates when I stop in at 89.1 on your radio dial on Tuesday, March 25th, from 7:00 to 9:00 am. Anyone who calls during that time will be entered into a drawing to win one of them.
And anyone who joins us here will be met with gratitude from the lot of us here at Feast.
We’ll see you soon.
Your buddies at Feast