
sign o’ the times, part IV

The last of the exterior signs went up yesterday.  They call it a monument sign, and all the sign people I’ve spoken to  spoke of it in awed, hushed tones.  Evidently, because it was already there, and because the previous establishment was a restaurant, it’s grandfathered in: we can leave it there to offend the […]

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stay cool

Look what we got: the fans and condensing unit were installed for the wine room yesterday, so we can serve everything at cellar temperature.  And we can hide in here when it’s hot and swampy.

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lean on me

What’s with the song titles today?  Here comes an extra bar to lean on, have a seat at and enjoy a snack or a sip while you wait for a table, or while you don’t.  You can stay here all evening if you want.

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whole lot of love

I can still feel the heat radiating from the warm asphalt my new friends put down in the parts of the parking lot that were ripped to shreds.  I can’t say that warm is my idea of  a good time when the weather’s like this, but in this instance, it certainly cheered me up.  Take […]

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parting is such sweet sorrow

The Mobile Mini guy came yesterday and took away our storage pod.  We’ve been through good and bad times together, me, the staff of Feast and that pod.  We’ve filled it with what we thought was equipment of some value from Der Wienerschnitzel, only to discover that it was worth about the cost of dragging […]

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one if by cloudburst

I’m glad they were installing all the low-voltage stuff yesterday, so that Louie could call me and tell me the restaurant was flooding.  Low-voltage Louie (my apologies to Louie, whose last name eludes me, but whose name and profession lend themselves to what I think is a charming if uninventive nickname) was installing speakers when […]

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testing, testing…

I never claimed to run a tight ship, but I had hoped to at least run a water-tight one.  If you were mid-town yesterday, though, you know about the near-horizontal sheets of rain we received.   Today, regrettably, was the day the roof emulsion was supposed to go on.  I guess we know which spots need […]

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the garden path

From a concrete standpoint, it’s looking pretty sharp.  The garden part is a ways away, however.  Still, with the sidewalks poured and bicycle parking coming this week, we’ll be left with a small but mighty patch of dirt in which to plant our own herbs and a few key veggies.  And there are volunteers already: […]

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plumb crazy

The plumbers are back again, this time with toilets in hand, and the entryway is stacked with them.  Also sinks.  These will be installed today, but yesterday was so crazy I had no time to post any of this.  It was most decidedly a day of much water, however.

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